KFM shares supply chain success at Clinical Quality Strategy Forum

KFM was invited to present at the national Clinical Quality Strategy Forum on 13/14 July.

KFM Managing Director Andy Lockwood and Director of Procurement and Supply Chain, Adam Broad, gave a joint presentation with Dr Oliver Long, Site Medical Director at King's College Hospital, about ‘Financially Stable Decision Making: Reinvesting in a Smarter Trust'. The session focused on KFM’s award winning work on enhanced supply chain.

The Clinical Quality Strategy Forum brings together Medical Directors, Chief Surgeons, Directors of Nursing and senior clinicians from across the NHS together with service providers in a networking event to improve efficiency and patient care.

KFM’s Managing Director, Andy Lockwood, said: "We were delighted to be invited to present how KFM and the Trust have worked together in partnership to drive standardisation and reduce the clinical product range by 67%."

Click here to read the full presentation.


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